March 26, 2024 2024-08-07 10:19Abstract/Indexing
JRRSSP has been Indexed by :
Journal Factor
JOURNAL FACTOR is a globally recognized forum for promoting your research work and knowledge sharing as we know research is all about communication. It’s always difficult to know what the impact factor of your work is going to be. Sometimes what we consider creative is not that something really determines creativity which has published over the period of time.
Ulrich’s Periodical Directory
Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory is a bibliographic database providing detailed, comprehensive, and authoritative information on serials published throughout the world.
J-Gate Indexed
J-Gate is an electronic gateway to global e-journal literature. J-Gate provides seamless access to millions of journal articles available online
Directory of Open Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals, DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.
Academic Resource Index
Academic Resource Index (ResearchBib) is open access with high standard indexing database for researchers and publishers.
Advanced Science Index
Scientific Indexing Services
Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) was founded by renowned scientists. A group of 70 scientist from various countries in different disciplines are started SIS with specific objective of providing quality information to the researcher. SIS offering academic database services to researcher.
DRJI provides ready access to education literature to support the use of educational research and information to improve practice in learning, teaching, educational decision-making, and research. Directory of Research Journals Indexing is a free online service that helps you to find web resources for your articles and research
The EuroPub Publishing Company LTD, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the England country with No., 13127935. EuroPub database started its scientific activity in 2015 which right now includes more than 27,000 journals and at least 700,000 articles,
WHO Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR) comprises about 296,969 citations for health and biomedical sciences literature published in 1,168 peer-reviewed journals from 20 countries in the Region.